
  • New Beginnings

    After reading a book debunking blood status discrimination and giving valid reasons why, Draco Malfoy learns that he is the biggest git there ever was and decides to try to change. With this new and truthful Draco, Hermione sees a side of him she never knew existed and grows to love it. But what will happen when Harry and Ron aren't as forgiving?

  • What the Eye Can't See

    Not all Slytherins are evil. Some are fairly decent. The same can not be said of Celia Whirlwood however. Everyone thinks she's only in Slytherin because of her parents and that she's the purest of them all. Everyone that is, except for the Slytherins that know how she is behind closed doors. Will she find the real Celia Whirlwood at Hogwarts, or she stay her parents project?

  • Second Thoughts

    Hermione and Ron's big day is coming up! Everything was going good... until Hermione reflects back onto a certain memory she had with Draco Malfoy and starts getting second thoughts about marrying Ron. She starts wondering why it is she didn't love who she should, but instead loves the one who is the meanest and rudest man she'd ever met? So should she still choose Ron?

  • Muggle Witch

    Sandra Clark lives a normal life. Except for the fact she is anything but normal. Many incidents have happened involving this brilliant girl but neither her nor her parents know why. Until she gets an acceptance letter from Hogwarts. But how can she be a witch, when both of her parents are Muggles?