Camillus Seth

  • Through Time and Space

    In this story, old man Harry goes back in time to be a teenager and meets herself. Also, this shit is originally JK Rowling's but I am just a kid on the playground, playing.

  • The Brightest Star

    Let's be honest, without Sirius, Harry would have never gone through that rebellious teenage phase. But that Sirius was also Dumbledore's pawn. What if Sirius is actually thinking with his tiny little brain?

  • Alone: Away from All

    Depressed. Betrayed. Alone. The Phantom roams alone in the night. For this Knight has been like that since that day. Rights to Rick Riordan

  • The Resurrection of Merlin

    Harry Potter is not the Boy Who Lived, his younger twin, David Charlus Potter, is famed as him. In this chaos, Harry gets lost and everyone forgets him. But when a Hogwarts letter for one Harry J. Potter comes, it feds him up. He ran away. But three years later, when Voldemort resurrects, will Harry help his brother? Or leave his family alone as they did to him?

  • Master of Death: Book 1

    "The Wand of Elder, The Stone of Resurrection and The Cloak of Invisibility, when combined, choose The Master of Death" Death explained, walking towards Harry in the Limbo between Life and Death, "They have chosen you, Harry Potter, for you have done the impossible." Harry asked, "So what happens now?" Death looked at him for a long time before telling, "The Master of Death never

  • Professor Evans

    After losing badly to Voldemort, something that no Potter can bear, Harry James Potter steals the last time turner from the ex-death eater Draco Malfoy to set everything right. When he gets the time turner, his only thought was to save all. But for that, he must start at the beginning.

  • The Magician: God of War

    Harrison James Potter, a 24-Year-Old Warrior and Magician, is fighting against Voldemort for the past 10 years continuously. He was defeated by Voldemort, losing the magical world. Voldemort does a ritual. What happens next?

  • The Last of Peverells

    Harry James Peverell, an 11-year-old was found roaming the Entrance Hall of Hogwarts one early afternoon on 20th August 1971. Albus Dumbledore was most shocked to learn that the boy had no memories, except his name, and knowing that he was of an age of twelve. The scarred boy with green eyes found himself tossed through various challenges resulting in the end of Voldemort, or a mor

  • The Tale of the Three Descendants

    As they say, history repeats itself in weird ways. Once Ignotus, Cadmus and Antonich managed to find themselves with the Deathly Hallows, now their descendants are in a quest to perform a similar task. A Race to Immortality.

  • An Adventure, None the Less

    A Mage never lies low, he is a hero, that is who he is. Of course, after the First Potter, Myrddin Emrys and Merlinus Ambrosius, there have been no recorded mages in history. Another page of history has come, as the War against the strongest and the evilest Dark Lord is ended by the Chosen One.

  • One Sunny Day

    Something I made up randomly when on Discord, the topic of insulting between the founders came into being.

  • Nicholas Flamel: Playing with Liquids

    A one-shot parody of Nicholas Flamel's life story I wrote when I was bored.

  • I am not a Hero

    They expected the Boy-Who-Lived. They expected a kind and reckless Gryffindor. They expected a Hero. He is one, but not from choice. He knows what it is he is, but he doesn't want to be what he is expected to be. He doesn't want to be a hero.

  • Professor Evans

    After losing badly to Voldemort, something that no Potter can bear, Harry James Potter steals the last time turner from the ex-death eater Draco Malfoy to set everything right. When he gets the time turner, his only thought was to save all. But for that, he must start at the beginning.