
  • The Best Gift of Them All

    As she prepares to spend Valentine's Day at her place with Sasha, Marcy worries the gift she plans to give her girlfriend will be seen as too basic and unsatisfactory. But she'll soon learn that it's not always material possessions that are the most important gifts.

  • Letting It All Out

    After she's been rescued and brought to safety, Marcy has become very closed off and shown a near refusal to speak over everything that's happened to her. Eventually though, one moment is all it takes to finally let her emotions go and Sasha is all too willing to be there for her when it happens. Part of Sasharcy Week as hosted by @/jojo bearoo

  • Stormy Comfort & Reminiscence

    As a late evening thunderstorm is occurring, Sasha tries to help Marcy through an unexplained bout of anxiety in part by recalling a memory of when they were little in a similar situation. Part of Sasharcy Week as hosted by @/jojo bearoo