
  • Brainwashed

    Matt gets brainwashed by an evil sentient capsule to kill his friends. This is a stupid story I wrote ages ago. Never finished it past the first chapter. It's bad. I've gotten much better at writing since then. Enjoy reading this piece of crap.

  • Naruto Commercial Tryouts

    The Naruto characters tryout for commercials.

  • Abused

    Yugi's friends start abusing him. Chapter 7 is up ! Sorry it's taking so long. Darn writer's block.

  • It's Time For Randomness

    Adam and his wife Rei try to obtain the Millennium Items. Will they obtain them ? Probably not , but it will be fun to see them try. OC. I DO NOT OWN YUGIOH. ( Self Insert Fic )

  • A Bad Place

    It's weird waking up in place and you don't know your name or where you are. Especially if that place is . . . a bad place.

  • Breaking Up

    Odd breaks up with his girlfriend. Aelita , Yumi and Sissi try to comfort him.

  • Ice Cream

    Odd goes out for ice cream with his girlfriend. Odd and OC.

  • Drugs Are Bad

    Castor has a bad trip after doing drugs.

  • Purple And Green

    Odd and Sissi get in to an argument while painting.