
  • Outnumbered

    With new teachers determined to shake things up and a new girl prompting new, unexpected feelings, Chloe's senior year is turning into something she never expected. Older!Faberry and Teenage!Bechloe. Multi-Chapter AU.

  • Once and For Real

    Future AU. '"Rachel," Quinn interrupts before the brunette hurts herself. "Are you trying to ask if I would be your pretend girlfriend?"' - Faberry.

  • To Be Free

    'Quinn Fabray avoids juvie by the skin of her teeth, her fingers still paint-smeared and a scowl permanently etched into her features.' 3-Part AU.

  • The Beginning of Us

    'Hi, Rachel, it's Quinn here. I hope you don't mind that I got your number from Kurt, which I know probably isn't proper blind date etiquette, but I've been left with no choice. I'm unsure if anyone made you aware, but I actually have a daughter, and I'm afraid the babysitter I organised for tonight seems to have fallen through at the last minute.' OR 3-Part Blind date AU.

  • Comfort of Love

    More than a decade after the death of Tony Stark, a blonde teenager walks into a diner looking for a cheeseburger, and finds more than she expected. OR Faberry in the MCU. Sort of. 6-Part AU.

  • No One Left To Blame

    HS AU. Quinn Fabray is well-versed in keeping the truths of her family and her past firmly hidden away. But, her efforts prove to be moot when Rachel Berry, armed with her own secrets of the past, arrives at Dalton Academy and manages to turn both their worlds upside down - or, perhaps, right way up. Faberry. Trigger Warnings.

  • Choose Yourself

    'It's two weeks into their summer vacation when Rachel first sees her. The figure is very obviously Quinn Fabray. Who is currently running towards her on the trail.' OR The Canine Matchmaker.