

  • Amatire-Rucina (Shattered Hope)

    A dangerous mission in the North. A twin searching for a place in the world even now, centuries after the loss of his mirror image. A flame-haired, fire-spitting elleth trying to prove her worth. A prince of a realm with too many secrets to hide. An elusive assassin who's past he'll do anything to keep in the shadows. Welcome to Elrohir's life with the Dunedain.

  • Respect, Trust, Loyalty

    The newly forming friendship between the young lords of Rivendell and the Prince of Mirkwood is generally accepted, but to some it is cause for worry, especially for two nobles...

  • Gift of Nightmares

    Late one night, Celebrian checks up on her sleeping children on her way to bed, but all is not as well as she thought...

  • Just a Sergeant

    "Corporal, no one can know of Barnes' work for us. To a select few, he was Agent Barnes, but to the rest of the world, he was a simple sergeant for the Howling Commados. Understood, corporal?" "Understood, sir."