
  • Wish I could go back and change these years

    Starts post TLOU2, Time Travel Fix it. OT3, so it genuinely will be a Abby/Dina/Ellie story. TW suicide and major character death.

  • I'm always angry

    Bella has gotten into a lot of trouble the past years, to prevent his oldest daughter from going to juvi again, Charlie bartered with his badge to get a Texas judge to agree with Bella coming to live with him. Will Bella get her bad temper under control? How will forks affect this unusual 16 year old. Rosella, AU

  • I came back for you

    After realizing how toxic her relationship is, Bella builds up the courage to break up with Edward. She hadn't foreseen the consequences, nor what would be revealed. Definitely AU, Edward bashing, Renee Bashing, Slow Burn, Rosella. Along with other stuff I've forgotten, not good at summaries either. Rated T for now.