
  • Caesar's Slaves

    The 1st battle for the Dam was a bitter loss for Caesar. With their defeat blamed on Joshua Graham, the Legion quietly retreated to the East where they set fire to their Legate, transforming him into the Burned Man. Aelius, a young Legionary Prime, comes across an unfortunate caravan lead by a woman with his scouting team. What follows next is a perilous adventure to freedom.

  • Fallout New Age

    After the events of Fallout: New World Wanderer, with the Legion annihilated & McNamara's Hidden Valley Brotherhood group restored, Maya & Boone moved to McCarran airbase to help restore it to its pre-war glory. Though it feels like the hardest part of their journey is behind them, there are still dangers and treachery that they must both overcome to survive in the Wasteland.

  • The Love of a Raider

    "Why'd you break me out of Rollins, anyway? You don't know me, I could be a bloodthirsty maniac, an axe-wielding ex-con...a door-to-door salesman!" Beckett pressed his heroine. What he didn't expect was that even a hardened ex-raider like himself was capable of falling head over heels for a woman who not only saved his life countless times, but also gave him a place to call his own