
  • A Story of Seconds

    AU set when Meredith is 16 and in high school. Will be MerDer What happens when Meredith tries to kill herself? What will the aftermath look like? TW: Attempted suicide. Disclaimer: I don't own the show.

  • 3 times Derek broke Meredith's heart (and 1 time she destroyed his)

    Title is pretty self explanatory. Sad MerDer with traces of Mer/Add. Don't own Greys or any of the script. Loosely based on the song So Cold by Ben Cocks.

  • That's the beauty of a secret (you know you're supposed to keep it)

    "Well isn't this cozy? Can I join in or are you not into threesomes?" A version of events that could have happened after that fateful line. Literally 2400 words of porn. Title and lyrics from the song Strange Love by Halsey.

  • They don't realize that I'm thinking about you (it's nothing new)

    Another steamy MerAdd one shot for y'all. Title is from the song Eyes Closed by Halsey. I don't own greys.

  • They say I did something bad (then why's it feel so good?)

    Little steamy MerAdd one shot. Title is from the Taylor Swift song I Did Something Bad. I don't own greys.

  • Dress

    A three part MerAdd fic based on the song Dress by Taylor Swift. Obviously don't own the show or the song.

  • Exile (One Shot)

    One shot based on the song Exile by Taylor Swift. Different version of events based in season 11. Don't own the rights to the song or the show.

  • A Choice

    What if when Meredith started her residency, Derek and Addison already lived in Seattle and they were already divorced. What if it was Meredith making a choice?

  • How to Save a Life One Shot

    Another version of events surrounding Meredith's drowning. Based on the song How to Save a Life.

  • Favorite Crime (One Shot)

    One shot based on the song Favorite Crime. A bit darker than my usual stuff.

  • Out of the Woods (Oneshot)

    One shot based on the song Out of the Woods by Taylor Swift. Spans around season 1-3.

  • Grace (One Shot)

    One shot based on the song Grace by Kate Havnevik. Set around the start of season 2.

  • Breathe (2am) One Shot

    MerDer one shot based on the song Breathe (2am)