
  • To Baltigo, We Go

    Ace was expecting to find a story about his ridiculous rubber brained brother when he opened the newspaper that day. He did indeed find that, but also another article that opens up a gapping wound from his past. This Revolutionary Chief of Staff 'Sabo' looked so similar to the boy he'd known, but then he'd been dead for ten years, right? Ace has to know. So it's off to Baltigo!

  • A Battle of Wills: Rubber Vs String

    Donquixote Doflamingo is not a man used to things not going his way. When the Marine Hero Garp starts poking his nose into the Ex Celestial's business, he decides to put him in his place. The best way to do that? Kidnap his grandson, and utilize him as a bargaining chip. This seems like an easy solution. That is until he meets Luffy. Maybe he should have just poisoned the old man.