
  • Simple As Is

    Before everything change between them, this is how Christian Walker felt about Zora behind close doors

  • Sun And Moon

    She is his moon and he is her sun. And as they communicate after a year from apart from each other, their feelings comes smashing together making their relationship complicated as ever. (Fem Sasuke/One shot)

  • Absolute Power Is Necessary

    "If I was destined with power, then why can I not achieve it?" A young Vergil embarks on a path to gain power. Absolute power. At the cost of meeting individuals that makes his path ever-changing then straight and narrow

  • Kill Or Be Killed

    In a world full of many things; ranging from the good and the bad. One person walks a thin line between both sides. He wants to be good but the nature of who he is won't let him. He wants to not fight, but the world is forcing him to choose too. And he wants to be human, but he has to understand he is a ghoul, forever and always. That choice was taken from him a long time ago.

  • Hero

    In a world where heroes are tested everyday against villains, a hero from another world, will learn every inch to mark his own path in this new world he now resides in. Along his journey, he'll meet friends, rivals, unlikely allies, and villains who would want nothing more to kill him where he stands. Yet through all that Peter Parker will learn what it means to be a hero.