
  • Swarm Alphabet Drabbles

    Drabbles in the "A Swarm of Praxians" Swarm AU universe. Drabbles are posted in written order. The first chapter is a chronology for the series so it can be read in order. Jazz/Prowl

  • Transformer Crossover Drabbles II

    I can't list this in Crossovers yet because I can't find a Crossover Label for the Song "Convoy". As soon as another chapter gets added I'll move it.

  • A Caregiver's Love

    Written for the prowlxjazz challenge 2014 Prompts: Remembering times past and testing boundaries. Part 3 of the music 'verse. Summary: Sometimes we need reminded that we're loved. (just a small warning: mention of past bullying but not elaborated)

  • The Ancient Datapad

    Written for prowlxjazz 2014 prompts: hide and seek, dangerous games and breaking the rules Summary: Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it.

  • Just the Other Night

    For prowlxjazz challenge 2014 fic. Sometimes we don't know what's going to be best for us until after it happens. prowlxjazz slash but not explicit. part 2 of music verse

  • Transformer Crossover Drabbles

    weird collection of 100 word drabbles. Stories are not interconnected just clustered together so I can keep track of them.