
  • My New Beginning

    When sixteen year old Teegan Emerson finally joins her family in Santa Carla she has no idea how much her life will change after been given as a peace offering to a bunch of four men to keep her family safe. This is her story

  • Hearts of Darkness

    16 year old summer lives in Santa Carla with her younger brother Tyson and her family. She is a happy, carefree girl. When on Halloween night herself and her brother find themselves in unimaginable circumstances when they go to the local cemetery for a reason. Tyson finds himself dealing with four dangerous young men and Summer dealing with two very determine, dangerous vampires

  • My Dark Romance

    Jessie Woods lives in Santa Carla with her mum and younger brother in 2014. The Lost Boy supposedly died years ago. When one night a chance event sets off a serious of events neither Jessie and her brother ever expected. And sends Jessie on a romance ride of a lifetime with four hot tough bikers.