
  • After Cruciatus

    Years after the war, mediwitch Hermione Granger offers a hurting hero some possible solace. Not DH compliant. Brief drabble.

  • Wake to Sleep

    On the eve of the final battle, Severus Snape dozes fitfully in his office and dreams of her. Spoilers for Deathly Hallows.

  • After the Fall

    After Voldemort's defeat, a suddenly freed Severus Snape acts on his hidden desires. HGSS. Not DH compliant. Brief drabble.

  • Of Summons and Salt

    Sometimes it's wise to act on even ludicrous advice. Professor Snape ruins a potion under the concerned gaze of his student assistant, Hermione Granger. Brief drabble.

  • Waiting into Midnight

    In the dark hours of the morning, Albus Dumbledore waits and mourns for a lost soul. Brief drabble.

  • Winter Reasons

    Tonks wants Lupin to attend a celebratory reunion of the Order, but Lupin strangely doesn't want to go. NTRL. Not DH compliant. Brief drabble.

  • Before Moonrise

    Young Remus Lupin's friends have a surprise for him. Brief drabble.

  • Hooked

    Dumbledore has ideas about how his Potions Master should spend his holiday. Crackfic alert! Brief drabble.

  • To Meet the Black Crow

    When Hermione accepts an invitation to study Alchemy at Hogwarts in the summer, she finds herself entangled in much larger affairs, including Professor Snape's painful and dangerous return to Voldemort. PostGoF SnapeHermione mentorship. [WIP, on hiatus]

  • The Language of Animagi

    Snape's been practicing his animagus transformation, but not his ability to remain cautiously unreadable. Pre-McGonagallSnape. Brief drabble.

  • Legilimens

    Severus Snape faces the Dark Lord's skilled legilimency and tries to remember. Brief drabble.