
  • Criminal

    A crime has been committed in Professor Snape's dungeon classroom! WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • The Pharaoh of Hogwarts

    Dudley Dursley is in for a big surprise Professor Binns is his father, and they have a shared heritage Dudley could never have imagined. He is mentally and physically transformed, and the very fabric of Hogwarts is questioned. WARNING: Disturbing.

  • Hilarity

    Goyle, Ron and friends go on a journey of epic contortions. GoyleRonHermioneHarrySnapeDumbledore WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Together

    Voldemort and Alastor MadEye Moody share a special moment and discover their true feelings VoldemortMadEye WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • La Filiation

    Two American exchange students come to Hogwarts. HarryDraco WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Discovery

    Padma and Filch wonder where Hermione could have gone. WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Kinship

    Lavender discovers something unexpected about her heritage. JamesNarcissa WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Connection

    A a rare sparking connection binds Fred and George, much to Hermione's glee. FredGeorge WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Adventure

    When Frodo Baggins shows up on the Dursleys' doorstep, Petunia isn't quite sure what to do. PetuniaFrodo WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Fear

    When Pansy hears noises in her head, she knows only Ernie can help. WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Curiosity

    Crookshanks and Sirius want to find out just what is that noise? WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Heroic

    Harry must save Hermione from the conniving Flitwick. HarryHermione WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Thirst

    Amos and Cedric Diggory have an intimate final encounter. AmosCedric WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Destruction

    A walk along the lake becomes much more sinister when Luna becomes a tragic victim. LunaLupin WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Revelation

    Moaning Myrtle and Professor McGonagall discover they have a connection neither could have ever fathomed. WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Longing

    Cho and Dumbledore want to be with each other, but their fickle personalities keep getting in the way. ChoDumbledore WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.

  • Humiliation

    Neville is caught doing Naughty Things in Potions class. How does Snape react? NevilleSnape WARNING: Contents may disturb you. In a bad way.