
  • Animals

    Modern AU short one-shot based on Maroon 5's Animals. Emma and Killian, strangers at a nightclub.

  • With You

    What if Killian Jones accompanied Emma and Henry to New York? A multi-chapter fic about their tiny life in New York, and trying to find their way back.

  • The Only One

    Just a little humour drabble, showing what ships other than Captain Swan would be like if they were true. Pro-Captain Swan and pretty much anti-Every other ship with Killian. Sorry.

  • Yours Truly

    A collection of three-sentence Captain Swan mini-stories. Enjoy!

  • Owning His Heart

    Post 4x12 - Emma decides to steal Killian's heart for a day, and have a little bit of fun.

  • A New Case

    Supernatural x Once Upon a Time Crossover - When Sam and Dean Winchester rock into an unknown town by the name of Storybrooke due to word of a strange temperature drop, they find the people that reside there are about as strange as the monsters they hunt.

  • Over The Years

    An AU multi-chapter fic about the childhood years of children Emma and Killian, ranging from infants to college.

  • The Curse

    What if Hook could still be affected by the Curse of Shattered Sight? What if he did chain himself to the docks, and had a little something to say to his Swan?