
  • The SuperBat Drabbles

    Drabbles and short fics based off Clark's and Bruce's relationship. BruceXClark, ClarkXBruce, BatmanXSuperman, SupermanXBatman. Slash. Prompt requests. Rating may go up, depending on nature of content. ;)

  • Lazy Sunday

    Tsuzuki wakes up in bed to find that his partner is gone...but it seems that Hisoka has a big surprise for him after all. It makes Tsuzuki want to return the favor. ;) Art up in the profile!

  • What the Water Gave

    The village of Iwatobi is in trouble. Fish shortages and lack of rain have made the villagers restless. In order to appease the great Sea God, a sacrifice must be made. Makoto had always feared the water and now he finds himself in the position of the sacrificial candidate. Art/Cover Image Link now in profile! Gift fic for Eclst.