

  • That's the card

    Written by Egra for the following request: "Mycroft, Lestrade, and Anthea, the three of them playing cards. Providing a good reason for them wasting their time in such a manner falls to the author. Humour or light crack welcome" for the Sherlock BBC Fest comm. Translated from the Russian by me.

  • About flexibility, and also time and space

    This story was originally posted in Russian in 2010 by Contesina; translation's mine. According to the story's author, "It's mostly about little crocodiles, and then our favourite characters come along, too. And it's also about text messages as a method of intergalactic communication."

  • Sherlock Ficlets 2

    My own Sherlock ficlets, this time

  • Blackmail is a delicate matter

    This story is by Karasik. Even the geniuses of deduction catch colds sometimes, and sometimes become especially unbearable. It's a good thing if one has someone on whom to call for help. Written for the "Day of the Rabbit" project in the Sherlock BBC comm. Yes, there'll be a rabbit, but at the very end.