

  • Displaced

    When Ivar and Sigurd wake up to find that they have switched bodies, they need to to work together to resolve the situation. If, of course, it is even possible...

  • Ghost Trains

    Alan is searching for a home he isn't sure exists any more. Sam is just along for the ride.

  • Childhood

    Snippets from Charles and Raven's lives growing up together.

  • Transference

    When Erik discovers how badly Charles was injured on the beach, he spends months searching for a mutant with the power to heal. He finally finds one and convinces him to help. Charles agrees, but only because he doesn't know that the injury can't be cured, only transferred to someone else, and naturally Erik has volunteered himself. Old fic. Kinkmeme prompt. Post 1st Class.

  • One Chance

    Edgar has finally tracked down the vampire Alan.

  • Not Slowing Down

    Peter's mom doesn't look at him in the same way any more.

  • A Hairy Issue

    Charles knows he's going to lose his hair, and he's not happy about it.

  • Prisoners

    While Erik is in prison, Charles visits him telepathically.