
  • We will always be brothers

    lilymasefield gave me the idea of writing Scott's guilt after Professor Chamber's death. But I think I may have strayed a little bit off... I guess this is another fast one-shot drabble for my precious twin brothers and their heavy angst. Thank you for reading!

  • This could be Paradise

    Suppose Scott didn't die and he and Jamie are now on a vacation of sorts in a beach resort. Again, another one-shot character prodding but this time it won't be so sad because we all need something happy for a change right?

  • Who do we Hate

    Something about Ayato and Touka sibling relationship with each other because their hatred seem to be tarnished with something else. Also this relationship will be the death of me and I need to read more angsty fics about them

  • Exchange

    Richard talks to Scott in a way that took them both by surprise. For better or for nothing, they both needed it.

  • Till Death do we Part

    A super sad angsty one-shot in Jamie's pov, wanting to say so much to his brother before death takes him away forever. So much things he had to tell Scott, but none of that came out.