Susan Styles

  • Matchmade?

    This is an entry for Z-Aquarius-Kai's spin off event. It's about Diana and Kai. This is set up a few days after their Christmas meeting. I hope you people enjoy it.

  • Suite Life of Ron and Hermione!

    Hermione has been hired as the C.E.O. of Nat-Geo, her wedding wid Ron is round the corner. The story runs through their pre-wedding events and post-it as well. @Z-Aquarius-kai Thank you so much for the awesome cover. Love you 3

  • Forever and Ever

    This is a challenge fic, Skye OC in Skye Night by SkyElf has been engaged to Draco , both of them studied together at Hogwarts , The engagement ring has a history... But what is it?

  • Will you marry me?

    The story is set up 8 years after Lord Voldemort's downfall, Harry and Ginny have just settled few months back, now Ron and Hermione are expected to do the same , but WHEN? and HOW? or will it ever HAPPEN? read ahead to know the rest! please R&R