

  • Records

    Albus gives his niece, second cousin, and their friend a list of records set by previos Weasleys and Potters, and also Sirius Black. They decide to try and break them.

  • Lily Water

    Lily Luna Potter at Hogwarts, dealing with her unexpected sorting, her need to dance, her family issues, her new friends, and her strange powers. Abandoned! I am ashamed even looking at this story. It has been officially abandoned.

  • For The Fallen

    Drabbles about people who died for good causes. Founders thru Next Generation.

  • Scars

    Freeverse about Lavender Brown's scarring after the war.

  • No One Can Make You Feel Inferior

    The boys were morons, the other girls were brats, and Lily and Roxanne were quiet, unassuming Slytherins, snakes among lions, hiding their fangs, being invisible, staying safe. They were treated like nothing, and for a while, they believed they were.

  • Rain

    This is a prequelish thing that i made for my coming-soon multi-chapter story about Lily Luna at Hogwarts. Please R&R.

  • Sisters Forever

    Parvati and Padma had a bond that ran so deep they could feel everything the other felt. This was not always good.