
  • Valentines Day Antics

    Sorry. This is one whole day late, but my internet was down, so just imagine this is valentines day and read :) NON-SLASH yay! Paul is really besotted with this random delivery woman so the boys have to 'save' him in ... an interesting fashion. Short but ... well it's fine. And it's Beatles, not ATU :D Oh and rated for homophobic terms maybe? Just in case.

  • Inside Out

    Ok, this is very short and very uninteresting for those of you who DON'T ship McHarrison, but for those select few who do ... it's narrated by Ringo and it's just him and John watching Paul and George interact. But it's like ... PRE relationship. I don't know. It's just ... short :p

  • Wish you were here

    I don't know, really I don't, but it's baaassssiiccalllyyyy Paul after his mum has died and what George does to help him. Not slash, just friendship, and comforting by best buds. Basically, it's me loving them too much :) Probably out of character, probably awful, so READ AT YOUR OWN PERIL. And this isn't ATU, sorry. It's Beatles. Cos WHO DOESN'T LOVE THE BEATLES? :):)

  • Back in the USSR

    MCHARRISON (well actually maybe not, but I view it as McHarrison. Could be brotherly love, I guess?) Anyway, it's just the Beatles on a plane and all the stuff that happens to them in the 9 hours that that entails. Paul and George centric, for the simple reason that my LIFE is mainly Paul and George centric but hey :) AND NOT ACROSS THE UNIVERSE. Beatles, sorry :)

  • A-Z of Sherlock IN SONG!

    Basically, there are 26 drabbles based on songs, each one a different letter of the alphabet. Yay! Enjoy! (I don't know whether this could be viewed as Johnlock, but I think it's more bromance? Not sure)