
  • Power Rangers: Jurassic

    Tommy, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy goes to Jurassic Park. Alan Grant, Ian Malcolm, and Ellie Sattler won't make an appearance. The movie's events take place in 1994 instead of 1993. This will only cover the first movie, but I may cover the other movies later on. Rated M for violence, blood, gore.

  • Trial by Zombie

    This is an AU where all of House's fellows are on the team at the same time. This takes place at the end of season 4, in place of House's Head and Wilson's Heart. This will be mostly from Thirteen's POV. WARNING: There will be at least one character death! Rated M for blood, gore, and violence

  • Power Rangers: An AU Zordon Era

    What if the original six Rangers stayed as the main Power Rangers from Mighty Morphin to In Space? This series goes from Mighty Morphin to Lost Galaxy. It starts in 2002 rather than 1993, and Lightspeed Rescue is included, along with the Rangers that showed up. I will make some changes to the plot. Dark AU. Jason/Trini pairing, Tommy/Kimberly pairing. Rated M for language.

  • Shepard's Parents

    Shepard's parents participate in the first trip through the Charon Relay. During the mission, they discuss their relationship and their future unborn child.