Year of the dog

  • Dear Casanova

    AU. In all her life of jumping foster homes, she had never expected that the cycle would end with her enrolled in an all-boys boarding school. Nor did she expect her roommate to bear such a close resemblance to her childhood pen pal. Eventual Ryoji/FeMC In Rewrites

  • Dazzling

    It's odd, his fascination with a girl who in all regards should be as far from him as possible. (Dorian/F!Lavellan friendship)

  • Down They Go

    This was quite possibly the worst idea the two idiots had ever had. The paint wasn't helping any. —mild RyojixFeMC

  • They Lay Stitched Together

    It is always only the two of them. RyojixFeMC

  • They Smelled of Chrysanthemums

    She grins at him—all pretty teeth and sparkling eyes—and he is strangely comforted by the thought that he will never find a friend as great as this girl again. Implied RyojixFeMC, JunpeixChidori

  • Wear It Well

    The twins gain a deeper appreciation for the opposite gender and the rest of the team is forced along for the ride.