

  • You

    "Tonight might be your last night alive and that's the only thing on your mind? Do I love you?" Draco thought he had always known the right answer to the question "Do you love me?". However, Hermione challenges his thoughts the way she always had. Does he love her? Draco was not so sure how he could best give her an answer... Oneshot.

  • Daylight

    "They could be Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr again. Best friends. Happy. Even if it was just for a few more hours." In the daylight we'll be on our own, but tonight I need to hold you so close. Oneshot. Takes place after First Class. Inspired by Maroon 5's Daylight.

  • Ginger and Auburn

    "I think Fred would be a good name." George and Angelina meet after Fred's death and find a way to help each other cope with the pain of losing a man they loved so much. Oneshot.

  • Blood Appreciation Class

    "... we're here for the exact same reason." Hermione Granger is sick and tired of her life. She hides in the Prefect's Bathroom one night to release her pain. If comfort came in the form of Draco Malfoy, will she embrace it? Oneshot. Deals with cuting.

  • Unbreakable

    "Though their hands were not touching, she felt better this way it was her only source of comfort." There will always be an unbreakable wall separating Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. Dedicated to Alcestis. Oneshot.

  • Tears for the Dragon

    "Kill him," Harry jerked his head in Draco's direction, "and we'll kill you." Draco has two visitors to his ward on a chilly night. And the Golden Trio happen to be there to interfere with their plans… Oneshot.

  • Three Gifts

    "…I have the Golden Trio bounded, unarmed and defendless in my lair..." The Dark Side wins and Voldemort has prepared three very special gifts to reward the Dream Team… Oneshot.

  • Curtain Call

    "I'll see you at the battlefield then. Goodbye." The stage has been set, the script already written. It's time for the two leads to play their parts to end a doomed relationship, no matter how heart wrenching it is. OneShot.

  • A Bloody Ferret

    "What's wrong Malfoy? Can't hex me anymore?" It was a rainy night and Harry couldn't get to sleep. A visit to the Quidditch Pitch not only made him tired enough to fall asleep, it gave him sweet dreams… Oneshot.

  • Kiss of Death

    "Mudblood & Pureblood never blended so perfectly before…" Love is a funny little game, as Hermione finds out. She finally gets to be with the man of her dreams… in the most unexpected way. OneShot.