
  • Angels in Disguise

    Small ripples in the water sometimes turn into big waves. When the woman Matt loves is attacked one night, no one ever could have known that it would lead to one of the biggest criminal rings in New York City. Matt Murdock fights for Jane, but will he lose her along the way? Established Matt/oc. Follows the TV show on violence. Mattxofc

  • Hear my Soul Speak

    "Tía Pepa, who is that next to Bruno?" Pepa looked at the photo before her, a moment from a happier time frozen. Her fingers traced the figure of her brother smiling, quite different than the last time she had seen him. "I thought Abuela had put these all away." Mirabel watched her Tía carefully. "That's your Tía Clara, Mirabel." A non Disney Encanto setting, Bruno/oc. Prequel

  • Keeper of My Heart

    Since the very moment that Laura Whitmore stepped foot in Virginia City, she was the talk of the town. A headstrong woman from New England, Laura is searching for freedom in the new territory. As she falls in love with the land, she finds herself falling for a rather stubborn and serious young Cartwright. Laura hadn't planned on falling in love again, but whoever plans on falling?

  • Up to no Good

    Their seventh year at Hogwarts marks a year full of change for James and his twin sister as well as the rest of the Marauders. Sirius finally finds someone who can see him for exactly who he is and manages to capture his heart. SiriusxOC JamesxLily.

  • The Last Chance Job

    As the team gets ready to take down Moreau they begin to learn a few surprising things their hitter has tried so carefully to keep secret. Eliot faces Moreau and his past and realizes that its his last chance for a lot of things. Including love. An Eliot/oc story