
  • New Game Plus

    When your happy ending...isn't achieved...what would happen if you're given a sudden second chance at it? This is what was presented to Lan Hikari and Megaman after awakening in the hospital after passing out when exiting Grave HQ...but have memories to up to three years later ending with a horrific metro accident.

  • Cybernetic Blue Blur Revised

    There was once a great hero...a warrior known by many as the Legendary Blue Blur. He gave his life to save a world from destruction by an alien threat. Now...he has returned. However...he isn't a blue blur anymore. Now...he is the Blue Bomber of the Network. And he's not alone.

  • Biometal In Network

    Dying in one world is a heartbreaking experience, especially when you reincarnate with all your memories of that past life. It only gets worse when you die with another reincarnation whom you knew in both lives and fell in love with in both. For Vent and Ashe, this only leads to new things in life as their second deaths led them back to where they started all over again. Only now..

  • A Slight Change

    During the events of Battle Network 5, Megaman is subjected to a DarkChip and turned into DarkMegaman. They did this right in front of the cage housing Roll, Glyde, and Gutsman. This story intends on taking this scene and doing a change that wouldn't be expected.

  • HEART dot Batch

    Programs do not understand love. If they try to process it, they start to break down and eventually delete themselves from overloading. For Roll, a new program is both a blessing and a curse in her way of loving Megaman. Story contains Expansion, sexiness, nudity, cursing, and fanservice. Lots and lots of fanservice. MegamanXRoll, LanxMaylu, OCxOC

  • Revealing a Secret

    A bit of a one-shot AU of the Battle Network games up to 3. Lan grew up with his best friend Maylu, meeting her after beating up his bullies with a broom. As time went on, Maylu had to leave a lot for piano lessons and even spend days at where she got them when she got sick. He hated Chaud since the moment he met the guy. But...before the finals of the N1, a chance encounter occurs

  • Beast Within

    Events can always change based on factors. In the case of the capturing of the Dennoju in EXE6, it was the fact that the beasts had more strength than they should've had after all that time in their confinement.

  • Sonic Burst

    After a harsh storm, Sonic comes upon the wreckage of a ship and its lone passenger. After saving their life, Sonic ends up roped into a new adventure that he is uncomfortable with; an engagement.

  • RvB Loops

    Part of the Infinite Time Loops. The Anchor is Michael J. Caboose. ...This will not end well for anyone.

  • Decade: A New Journey

    The brand new story from Team Toku East. The 15 Riders of the Heisei and Neo-Heisei Eras of Kamen Rider have been captured, leaving just one Kamen Rider still out there. Unfortunately, he's an arse now. Maybe spending time in the world they were captured in will help. Then again, he's an arse.

  • A Series Of Story Ideas

    Various Story Ideas I've been thinking of lately.