
  • The Fly and the Spider

    Yet again, Mosca Mye finds herself alone and in trouble, this time probably more so than ever. If only she knew someone whose job was to protect people... (Takes place after "Fly Trap", Aramai Goshawk/Mosca Mye) ... Yep, I'm offcially going to hell. In my defence, I think child marriage was supposed to be an accepted thing in the Realm?... Yeah.

  • The Wizard in Distress

    So I wrote a Saruman/Gandalf slash fic. Just kill me now XD But seriously, they are like my very first ship. I just had to get this off my chest.

  • The One among the Zeroes

    The true love story is the one of Incarceron and Sapphique.

  • A tale of a hero

    I thought that Zecora was a cool character and I decided to write a backstory for her, about how she grew up, what made her come to Ponyville, why she talks in rhyme and why her cutie mark is a sun and such. I tried to give this thing a mythical, fairy tale-ish feeling.

  • Such a waste to let him live

    A pre-game look at Grant and Asher. I'm... not quite sure how I feel about this thing, myself. But I do enjoy writing these two guys.

  • Tough luck

    Okay, this is not MY fic, this is just my translation of this one fic I really liked. All credit goes to the author, Nichja. The story deals with Jafar's life before the events of the movie and... saying much else would be a spoiler, really. Warning: slash.