
  • No Longer the Prey

    Tag to the episode, 'Prey of the Cat'. Bart has been through hell, and needs to find Bret.

  • The Hero

    Bart gets the shock of his life when he unexpectedly finds, of all things, a baby. Where did it come from, and who is its mother? Bart takes the baby to the closest town, assuming that it's in danger...and he's right. The trouble is, the danger finds its way to him, too.

  • Sore Loser

    Bart and Bret go to San Francisco to join a poker competition, but Bart is sick and can't play. If they'd known what was going to happen next, they would never have gone, even at the chance of winning a fortune...

  • The Night of the Tremulous Trip

    Artie has an unexpected problem that could prevent him from being Jim's partner in the Secret Service. Takes place after the very first episode, 'The Night of the Inferno'.