
  • Promise to Protect

    It is a time of prophecy, and Avalon beckons. But are Arthur and Merlin willing to blindly follow destiny's path. MERTHUR AU. UNDERAGE (13/16) Desire/Wanting, Swearing

  • Mythic Destiny

    Destiny and Fate can easily manipulate legends and heroes. Arthur and Merlin are oblivious, but know that true power is rarely so blatant. Camelot needs a King and a sword holds the key. Thus begins the journey of the Once and Future King and his wizard into the unknown where the future may be theirs to write. MERTHUR AU. WARNING: EXPLICIT SEX chapter & A Traumatized Child chapter

  • King of Prophecy

    Merlin and Arthur must change a law in order to save a world. MERTHUR AU. Contains a made-up language at the end if you are interested in actually knowing what each words would translate into English as. There is one EXPLICIT SEX scene and it is in a chapter all by itself. Skip it if you don't want to read it, you will be warned in the prior chapter. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

  • Worried Grimm

    Merlin is missing, this is not good. Some descriptions of blood and gore. Last chapter contains the words that you may not know that are within the story. There is one EXPLICIT SEX scene which will be in a chapter by itself and clearly labeled as such. Please skip it you don't want to read, it won't take away from the story :) MERTHUR AU.