
  • Legality Issues

    After Voldemort's demise, the Ministry of Magic decides that in order to stop circumstances from repeating themselves, The best solution was to find a way to merge the pureblood society, with the muggleborn society.

  • Occlumency

    A quick poem I wrote about forced Occlumency

  • Memories from the Past

    Dumbledore encounters some resistance when trying to convince Tom Riddle to attend Hogwarts. Little does he know just how much power he is dealing with.

  • Running from Dreams

    Haunted by her dreams, Hermione searches out the least likely person to make her forget. Dark!Hermione

  • Dumbledore's Mistake

    Snape was tired of bouncing between spy meetings and then being forgotten. Little did he know how Dumbledore planned to fix this problem. Side!Sibling Fic