

  • Show Me Your Poker Face

    Antics and issues during Lily and James' last year at Hogwarts.

  • Futurity

    Lily has something burried deep within her that she doesn't even know is there. She loves James, but life can be scary at times and she has to choose: magical world-hell or the traditions of Kyoto and a life of something she's not.

  • What Dreams May Come

    Lily Evans and James Potter were perfect for each other. Everything was compatable--except for their age. She was thirteen and he was seventeen and people don't want them together. Yay! TWO Chapter *11/11/02*

  • Marmalade Boy

    When Lily's Parents bring out the fine China, stuff isn't good. Specifically speaking, her parents (and a certain boy w/ messy hair) marital status. I didn't know swapping sposes was practiced!