
  • Fall Right In

    If Beth hadn't interrupted him when she did, calling him back with the melody of her voice, he might've done something dumb like opening the door for a doomed dog and maybe dooming them both while he was at it. Beth and Daryl escape the funeral home together. An Alone-divergence Bethyl story.

  • Catch a Falling Star

    A heartbroken Buffy finds a bit of compassion in an unexpected place. Set in the summer between Seasons 3 and 4. *Author's Note* I mistakenly posted chapter 5 twice, once in place of chapter 4. That error is now corrected.

  • Anywhere

    Buffy returns to California for the first time in years, and encounters more of her past than she ever expected. (Post-series)

  • That Easy

    After an unexpected reunion, years after the fall of Sunnydale, Spike and Buffy take a walk. Post-Series. Follow-up to "Anywhere".

  • The Long and Rocky Road

    FRIENDSHIP STORY: Spike and Dawn share a moment in time during the hardest summer of their lives. Set between Seasons 5 and 6. This is NOT a Spike/Dawn romance story.

  • Hearts Distant

    Turbulence and hate, tenderness, love and loss...and maybe something more. A look inside Buffy and Spike's heads as they ponder the ever-changing nature of them. Written for the LJ Seasonal Spuffy 2009 round, topic "Distance".

  • Lost

    Set immediately post-Once More With Feeling and drastically off-canon. Buffy runs out of the alley, away from the emotional danger of her kiss with Spike, only to encounter a danger far greater. WARNING: Graphic violence. Major character death.

  • Sunsets

    Spike and Buffy sit together and watch the sun set. Post-Series.