
  • Hunting Rabbits

    AU – After Kyo is locked away for being the cat of the zodiac, Tohru is left on her own while all the other zodiac members pretend everything is still whole. Momiji, however, knows all too well that Tohru is broken – and he is there to pick up the pieces.

  • The Rain, It Pours

    Shiori wants nothing more than to just talk, but when the one person she wants to talk to refuses to utter a word, she finds herself questioning if she should even remain in the village. Then, news of Suga's imminent removal as proprietor of the museum reaches Shiori, and now she must help Suga find his voice before he loses her and the museum. Spiritual prequel to Say Something.

  • Say Something

    All I could ever want is just out of my grasp... what I need is for you to just say something.

  • I've Lost Her

    I remember not too long ago when you loved this me, and not the little girl from so long ago.

  • The Glow of a Family

    Suga and Shiori have finally made it... a family all their own, but their son has a little secret all his own. Is it all really over? A spiritual sequel to the one-shot "Say Something."