Auburn Waves

  • Fantasies

    Cardan has fantasies about Jude. He's complicated. Set during 'The Cruel Prince'.

  • Shipwrecked

    On a return boat journey from Narnia, prince Cor and lady Aravis are in the middle of a massive argument about who is better than who when they are washed overboard in a storm. By morning, Cor and Aravis find themselves stranded on an island with only each other for company.

  • The Marriage Gambit

    When an orphanage writes to Beth about one of their girls who loves chess, Beth feels compelled to visit and then to adopt the child as her own, but there's one problem. The law requires her to be married and there's only one pirate-cowboy she can think to ask even six years after Moscow. She imagines a quiet wedding followed by a quick divorce, but Benny has other ideas.

  • The Brothers of Archenland

    After the death of King Lune, his two sons take some time to figure out what's truly important to them. Whilst Cor searches his heart for the answer to his emptiness, Corin searches the mountains for a reason to go on fighting.

  • First Snow

    Wintry one-shots set after Cor, Aravis and Corin arrive at Anvard. Ch.5: Corin challenges Aravis to a game of chess. For a wager involving the crown prince.

  • Le feu d'Olympe

    On dit que le feu est la fondation de la civilisation, mais Julien a un probleme. Enfin...L'Olympe a un probleme. Une déesse a disparru et l'Olympe est en train de se détruire. Il n'y a que cinq jours pendant lesquels Julien et ses amis doivent sauver la civiliasation entiere.