• You'll Never Be Alone

    Jinchuuriki was always nothing more than a fancy word for "sacrifice." They were alone. No family, no one to protect, support, love, or help them...but if they had each other. They were strong. They were a family. They were Issho.

  • The Storming of Whirlpool

    On this day, The Land of Whirlpools was converged on by a host of enemies banding together against the monstrously powerful Uzumaki Clan. They did not go down without a fight. One-Shot

  • Grounded

    Before the climactic battle between a Sage and a God can commence, a Father and Son need to have a talk… One-Shot

  • The Cost of Prosperity

    The Land of Waves' Lord has been in negotiations with the Land of Water about being absorbed into the bigger country. This poses a problem; Wave is a strategic island that controls much of the shipping routes in the region. Assassinate Lord Toyotomi to ensure Waves Neutrality is preserved. The Leaf Village must not be implicated in the assassination. ONE-SHOT