

  • Explosion

    summer OoP -The order are preparing for the next war and need to learn how to combat the spell Pettigrew used all those years ago. Sirius uses a pensieve to show them what happened. please REVIEW..

  • Sirius Talks

    Sirius tells his story to Dumbledore then runs to spain than to Remus's....non-slash...NEW CHAPTER! bad summary..ack!

  • Life of the Millions

    OoTP Spoilers!!! Sirius's life starting when he leaves Dumbledore's office, contacting the old crowd, order meetings, ect. new chapters soon, I promise!!! Rating for possible swearing in later chapters.

  • In Azkaban

    my first fan fic- Hagrid takes care of a sick and weak Sirius in Azkaban, rating for angst-please review!!