Ryan Slicer

  • BattleMage, Book 02: Journey

    Ranma embarks on his journey of self-discovery, including a cure for his fear of cats and more. Travel with Ranma as he goes from Tokyo, Japan to Paris, France to London, England, and even Cairo, Egypt. Ranma discovers more about himself than what he expected and is willing to sacrifice something to keep his sanity.

  • BattleMage, Book 01: Control

    Ranma seeks to find a way to gain some control over his chaotic life. Of course some of that control is given up to Nabiki Tendo for some Social training. Takes place after the wedding. A revised version of Love of a Cheetah: Prelude

  • Reign of Terror, Book 1: The Klingon War

    Ensign Markus Darmoth was assigned his first ship duty after months of being on a Starbase. However the start of his journey will uncover a sinister plot that'll change his view of the universe forever.

  • Harry Potter and the Springs of Sorrow

    Harry Potter was living his normal life. Well as normal as it can get, but something's about to 'change' (HH)