
  • Friends Don't

    Lena introduces Kara to Wonder Woman and has many regrets. The biggest one being that she is only just coming to terms with her feelings for Kara and Kara seems to have moved on.…or has she?

  • Render Me Speechless

    Who says sex has to be hot and heavy and impassioned every single time? Intimacy can be found in all sorts of ways. This is a one shot. It’s a short sex scene. It’s sweet and fluffy and I couldn’t get this idea out of my head so I just wrote it down.

  • A Candle in the Shadows

    Kara and Lena try to navigate a new path in their relationship while they work together to take down Lex. As events unfold another threat starts lurking in the shadows that will test the strength of the bond they are reforging.