
  • Donna Got A Postcard From Jackie

    In this Nove Otto poem, Donna Pinciotti has received a California postcard from Jackie Burkhart with some good news attached.

  • When She Woke Up

    This free verse poem takes place during a scene in the 1983 movie Class.

  • Due To Kramer's Big Mouth

    This free verse poem is about what happens to George Costanza no thanks to the big mouth of Cosmo Kramer.

  • Linda's Latest Revenge Against Mike

    In this tanka poem, we find out what Linda Barrett's latest revenge against Mike Damone is for what he did to poor Stacy Hamilton.

  • Spectrum Of Color Near The Planet Betazed

    This free verse poem is about what the starship Enterprise has discovered close to Counselor Deanna Troi's home world.

  • Elly May's First Unusual Portrait

    In this nonet poem, one of Elly Mat Clampett's classmates has gotten her to do something in front of the whole art class.

  • After He Arrived On Mars

    This tanka poem is about the first thing that John Carter has seen after his arrival on the planet Mars.

  • What A Shocked Father Had To Do

    In this free verse poem, Veronica Lodge's father discovers a photo of her doing something on the computer screen.

  • May I Join You?

    The title of this triquain poem happens to be said by someone from Dylan Francis Harper Junior's past.

  • When She Came To Los Angeles

    This free verse poem is about Betty Cooper showing up in a big city to do something to show up two friends back home.

  • Hey, DJ I Just Got Your Letter

    This nonet poem is from the point of view of DJ Tanner's long distance boyfriend Steve Hale.

  • What Happened To Jo After Blair's Party

    This one haku poem is about what happened to Jo Polniaczek as a result of a party that Blair Warner has thrown.

  • The Arrival Of Another Significant Mother

    This etheree poem about one person's need to get revenge against an old friend takes place after the pilot episode of the TV series Significant Mother.

  • The True Leader Of Us Droogs

    This nonet poem is from the point of view of one of the other droogs expressing how he feels about Alex.

  • Like A Scene From The Cider House Rules

    This nonet poem happens to be a letter that D.J. Tanner just wrote to her long distance boyfriend Steve Hale.

  • In Spite Of Not Being Married To Him Anymore

    This triquain poem takes place sometime after Charlotte York lets herself get divorced from Trey MacDougal.

  • The Perfect Vacation Dad Just Ruined

    This one free verse poem takes place sometime after the 1983 movie National Lampoon's Vacation.

  • How He Received Such A Hungry Look

    In this nonet poem, the Wonder Twins go see a friend at his office only to have one of them catch the eye of another woman.

  • I Should Have Told You The Truth

    This tanka poem happens to be Doctor Lauren Lewis' way of saying something to Bo Dennis.

  • It's Okay To Use Your Shower

    In this piece of flash fiction, Hank Moody comes home to discover someone else getting ready to take a shower.