

  • Star-Crossed

    Ambition collides with tradition in the Old Sith Empire as the Great Galactic War kicks off. She's a pampered pureblood miss who offers him a chance at acceptance. He is the outlet for her angsty, teenaged rebellion. They're all wrong for each other, and they know it. But still . . . their love will break all the rules and break multiple hearts.

  • DYAD

    Jedi-Sith soulmates in a Force bond is peak SW romance until you and your other half can't get along. Can't live with each other, can't live without each other. Welcome to happily never (?) after in the Old Sith Empire with the OG Emperor, the man who started it all, Dark Lord Marka Ragnos.

  • The Searchers

    Fresh from Snoke's crash course in the Dark Side, twenty-four-year-old troubled loner and lost Padawan Ben Solo has a new name: Kylo Ren and a new job: find Luke Skywalker. But he's not doing it alone. He has the Ren.

  • Happy Endings

    It's not always happily-ever-after on the Dark Side. So, I'm writing a few one-shot alternate endings to give some of my favorite couples the resolutions they wanted but didn't get. Here's to love conquering all and the bad guy getting the win.