

  • Whumptober 2021

    A series of unrelated one-shots to whump the beloved characters in the RC9GN, Batman, ATLA, MLB, PJO, TAG, Trollhunters, AD:JL, Narnia and others!

  • Between the Scenes

    We as the audience don't always get to see what happens "between episodes." There are some things mentioned or alluded to that I wanted to see play out, or at least explained in more detail. So this is a collection of one-shots (that I'm keeping as canon and clean as possible) of things that did, probably, or might have happened off screen.

  • Shifting Sands

    In the desert city of Ouroboros Kai scrounges day by day just to survive. Though he continues to hold out for the hope of a better life for his younger sister and brother, he can't seem to catch a break. Yet one coincidental encounter with the beautiful Princess Skylor sets him on a path that, in one thousand and one nights, he would have never thought possible.

  • Who We Become

    Destiny is a funny thing. The promise of future events- though not always how one would expect. Brody and Aiden Romero didn't know they were destined to be power rangers but one fateful day set them on a path that would change their lives forever. It would take a while before they saw their destiny fulfilled. Ten long years. Yet those years laid the foundation for the heroes became