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  • Phoenix

    A single mother and a single father have a multitude of things to worry about — childcare, careers, political uprisings and their own lingering issues from a war long-gone. The last thing they need is to be united together while they're hunted by an unidentified serial killer.

  • Muddy Thoughts

    During one particularly uneventful defence against the dark arts lesson, Hermione Granger begins to notice something while Draco Malfoy comes to accept something... One-shot.

  • Through the Valley

    They live in a 'dystopian world', according to Uncle Sirius. One that Voldemort left behind — the True Ministry blames Draco for his downfall even though he was only a baby. When a clueless Muggle-born girl called Hermione declares that she doesn't believe a single word printed in the newspapers and history textbooks, Draco finds his closest ally both in school and out.

  • The Wrong Dynasty

    What happens when you tear a historical tyrant out of their era and shove them over 5,000 years ahead of their time? Don't ask Draco Malfoy, he'll probably try to kill you. He's having a hard enough time trying to get Granger to believe him.

  • The Lion, the Eagle and the Serpent

    A Slytherin should never be in debt. A Gryffindor should never be afraid. A Ravenclaw... Well, he knows they're an eccentric lot but she really shouldn't be completely out of her mind. His father thinks its her dirty blood that messed with her brain, which is why Draco didn't mention his current predicament. "Well, there's no walking out now. You are my new lab rats."

  • Baby Phoenix

    "What do you say, Mr. Malfoy? The Weasleys are once again in the Malfoys' debts." The War hasn't ended, but Draco hasn't cared for a long time. When a little girl is left in his charge, she forces him to care in a bid to free her family. They work together to survive in a war-torn Britain while they try to find a cure for the Two-World Hunter.

  • Stranded

    The Dark Lord replaces Draco Malfoy's task of killing Dumbledore with the mission of finding the missing Harry Potter. He finds Granger instead.