
  • Shadow Soul

    [Dark Guild - SYOC CLOSED] - Dark Guilds. Over the years they have become less and less dangerous, except for the Balam Alliance, and with the emergence of new legal guilds and the strength of existing ones, the dark guilds have become an empty shell. It's time for the kingdom of Fiore to remember what it's like to be afraid of a dark guild and its power! The shadows are moving...

  • Naruto: the Fox Emperor

    Eight years ago, Konoha made its biggest mistake. Eight years ago, Naruto Uzumaki was exiled from the place he called home. Today, Konoha is on the brink of destruction and only a possible alliance with the newly founded Empire of the West can save it. But will the Emperor be willing to help them? Or will he watch as Konoha burns? - Emperor!Naruto / Father!Naruto (BASHING EDITION!)