
  • The Endless Hunt

    The Night ended, but the Hunt continued. The scourge of beasts was eradicated, but no matter the form a beast is still a beast, even when made of metal. Time passed and the Hunt continues. Even now, in a new era, the Hunt doesn't end. More beasts of metal, more beasts of men, and the Hunter. The Hunt never ends, and the Hunter must Hunt.

  • The Daughter of Death

    Remnant is a world where legends are based more in fact than fiction. But even Remnant has legends it might wish were forgotten. Legends people don't like. One such legend is that of the Four Horsemen. So, how does Remnant react when that legend becomes far more relevant than anyone would have thought? My name is Death, and this is one of my stories.

  • Harry is Dead

    Heavy is Dead, but Harry Potter.