
  • Choice of Fate

    Harry's summer nights have been nothing but a succession of nightmares. When he comes back into the Wizarding World, instead of finding the guidance he craves, he discovers he is considered a liar. Between a mentor avoiding him, friends that left him out, Harry is more lonely than ever. Help will always be given at Hogwarts, but you need to ask for it...

  • Harry, juste Harry

    Lors d'une nuit agitée au début de sa cinquième année, Harry trouve refuge dans la Chambre des Secrets. Il y fait une rencontre singulière qui va tout changer. Independent!Harry Grey!Harry Traduction de "I am no hero"

  • I'm no hero

    Set during Harry's fifth year. One night, Harry run away in the Chamber of Secrets. The encounter he makes then will change everything. Independent!Harry Grey!Harry and possible Soul Bond

  • The only one he ever trusted

    Starting from OotP chapter 22. Harry just had his vision and is led to Dumbledore's office along with Ron. Harry discovers himself to be more powerful than he seems, Dumbledore makes better choices too. An abused child is wounded for life, and it takes more than just friends to heal. Only 3 Horcruxes (I do not have JKR talent nor do I own her magical universe).