
  • Serpentine: The 115th Annual Hunger Games

    Who dare dances with the serpentine coil of pressure, twisting and winding until it causes all it's partners to break? [OPEN SYOT; 0/28 Tributes]

  • I Dream, Therefore I Ensure: The 120th Hunger Games

    Future Chronovich has big dreams, big enough to overwhelm all of Panem. He aims to do just that, setting records and defying expectations in his wake. [SYOT Verses Victor Exchange 2022]

  • The Legacy of Golden Roses: The 130th Hunger Games

    To be another perfect rose among a beautiful bouquet is hard; even more so when a deadly pageant is the crowning factor of if you're fit to behold the name and celebrate fame or be relegated to obscurity.

  • Two Times The Fun: The 50th Hunger Games

    In an alternate universe where Haymitch Abernathy and Maysilee Donner are never reaped brings 48 new tributes into the arena for the most brutal Hunger Games yet. Tensions and hopes are high as Panem waits on bated breath to see who'll come out victorious, no doubt being the most decorated victor yet. Everyone hopes it's them but that'll be the reality for only one. (NOT A SYOT)