

  • Symphogear: A Cybernetic Touch

    As the fight against the Noise and Magia continue on, new heroes don their new abilities and suits to fight against them. But because of this, ideals clash, bonds began to break and all could be lost. But with a simple touch of something that nothing can fight against, these heroes and heroines will prevail.

  • How NOT To Summon A Demon of Time!

    So, what would people of a new world would think or act, should they learn that two girls summoned someone not from here? Shrug it off or revolt? Hard to say, when the being they summoned is proclaiming not only to be a Demon Lord, but a Demon Lord of Time! What is going to happen to this world now?

  • Persona 5: Tainted Soul

    As the terror of tainted people and Deadmans rampage in this world, a new set of heroes emerge. One created to be a Rider and another made to be a thief. Question is will they actually succeed or fall into darkness?

  • Devil May Cry: Contract Reformed

    When one person listens to their inner devil. What would they do? Do they accept the whispers or ignore it? What if one who was turned into an experiment starts to listen. And what would happen when they are given freedom and a new life? This is a tale of one such person.

  • Surgence Of The Armored Hero

    As the Waves of Calamity rage on and the Blood Hunts of the Grongi terrorize everyone. Four Cardinal Heroes have been summoned to fight. But when one is ousted as a criminal, the heroes find themselves in peril. What will it take to save this world?