
  • The Force Meets the Half-Dead

    "Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not." - Yoda What if Yoda's thoughts are wrong, and he comes face-to-face with beings that turn the Jedi's understanding of death completely on its head?

  • Green Spider of Japan

    It has been done before, but Izuku Midoriya gains spider powers and ends up becoming one of the greatest heroes of Japan. Now if only his mentor was able to somehow be saved.

  • Jusenkyo Park

    What happens when you give a mad geneticist access to the most potent source of genetic power in the world?

  • Team Phantom vs The Grimm

    Danny, Sam, Tucker, Valerie, Jazz, and Danielle are all temporarily relocated to a different world, a world that has been stuck in a stalemate between life and death for centuries that is experiencing some upheaval. Will they be enough to counter the rising darkness?

  • Welcome to Demon School Ranma

    Ranma has become inhuman and goes to the Netherworld to help train a young human that lives among demons.